What Should I Know Before Scheduling an Appointment with Nova Vision Center?

At Nova Vision Center in Falls Church, VA, we pride ourselves on our full-service, family-oriented vision and eye-care practice. We like to create long-term relationships with our patients, and we have been serving clients in northern Virginia for more than 70 years.

Let’s Get Acquainted

If this is your first visit—whether you are four, 14, or 40—we will want to know your vision history and whether you have a specific eye or vision problem.

Also, be prepared to share your general health history, daily routine, and medications you regularly take. If you have specific vision problems or a family history of eye or vision conditions, we will add that information to your file.

We are always happy to discuss the concerns of parents with young children. Today, we can effectively test and identify vision problems even in toddlers and prescribe corrective lenses if necessary.

Our trained specialists will advise you about options that fit your lifestyle and budget, no matter the patient’s age.

Diagnostic Efficiency

We utilize state-of-the-art equipment and modern examination tools, along with our training and experience, to assess your eye health and vision needs and recommend the best solutions or corrective lenses.

Whatever you are experiencing — difficulty reading or driving, dry or itchy eyes, or blurred vision — we can test for underlying causes, including genetic or inherited medical problems.

In addition to assessing your ability to see properly, our doctors will discuss any symptoms you report, review your treatment history, and check your current prescriptions.

Age-related Concerns

We’ll work together to determine a solution to any specific complaint, whether for you or your children.

In addition to assessing your ability to see properly today, our team is happy to discuss any concerns you have about the future, including diagnosis and treatment of progressive conditions like cataracts, glaucoma, or Macular degeneration.

The Benefits of Vision Therapy for Stroke Recovery

If you’ve had a stroke, you know the physical and cognitive effects it can have on your life. And that includes the effect it has on your vision. That’s where your optometrist in Falls Church, VA, can help.

Vision-Related Therapy to Help in Your Recovery After Having a Stroke

Here are several ways vision therapy in Falls Church, VA, can help you improve your vision after you’ve had a stroke.

How Vision Therapy Helps in Stroke Recovery

Vision therapy can quite possibly help in your stroke recovery. It’s a non-evasive and highly effective option for improving your visual functions. It does this by strengthening the synaptic function of any residual cells surviving after your stroke. It can also help to halt further degradation of your visual perception.

The Benefits of Vision Therapy After Having a Stroke

Post-stroke vision therapy has many benefits, including improving eye movements, visual tracking, depth perception, and peripheral vision.

The Importance of Early Intervention

The key to vision therapy after having a stroke is getting help early on. Early intervention will help ensure you get the most out of your vision therapy. The sooner you start your vision therapy sessions after having your stroke, the better the chances are your vision and overall recovery will improve.

Do You Need an Optometrist in Falls Church, VA?

If you’ve had a stroke and are experiencing vision challenges, seek help immediately! Don’t wait! Your vision recovery depends on it. Contact Nova Vision Center today. We can help. At Nova Vision Center, we offer comprehensive vision therapy services designed to address various visual issues. We look forward to helping you improve your vision before it’s too late.

Should My Child Have Visual Acuity Testing?

When very small children clearly can’t tell you what they can and can’t see, you may wonder if you should wait until they can have a standard eye exam. We’ll look at how visual acuity testing works alongside the recommended schedule for eye exams.

Early Signs of Vision Problems

A doctor can spot vision problems in children as early as birth. While they won’t be able to tell whether your child can see the bottom row, they will check the size, shape, movement, and pupil response of the child’s eyes. They may be able to identify anything from cloudy corneas to cataracts within newborns.

Visual Acuity Testing in Children

Children between 6 months and a year old should have their eyes checked by a doctor, who will largely monitor for the same issues listed above. However, once a child is around three or four, they can usually complete more interactive tests at a pediatric eye exam in Falls Church, VA. Whether they know their letters or not, this is a good time to clarify their visual acuity. From there, regular eye exams are recommended around once a year after the age of five.

Eye Exams in Falls Church

At Nora Vision Center, our optometrists in Falls Church, VA, use age-appropriate techniques to assess your child’s visual acuity, but this is only one part of the exam. Our team is there to check for signs of lazy eye, color vision, and even neurological conditions. It’s our job to work with parents to identify issues as early as possible and intervene whenever we can, particularly if your family has a history of eye disease. Even serious visual conditions can potentially be mitigated with the right treatment, so it’s crucial to schedule regular exams for your child.

How Does Vision Therapy Work?  

Vision therapy is an innovative approach to treating many vision problems. It’s a customized treatment program available at Nova Vision Center, designed to improve visual skills and abilities, enhance visual comfort, and alter how visual information is processed. This specialized form of therapy isn’t available everywhere, but you can get vision therapy in Falls Church, VA, at Nova Vision Center.

Why Vision Therapy Works

Vision therapy has been compared to physical therapy, but it’s much more involved than that. This groundbreaking therapy is based on neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s innate ability to alter and adapt in response to stimuli. To put it simply, it’s the brain “learning” to act differently. The brain is heavily involved in vision, and by completing certain exercises and activities, the way the brain functions with your eyesight can be changed and—more importantly—improved!

How Vision Therapy Works

Vision therapy involves a series of visual tasks and exercises performed both in the office and at home. The therapy is highly customized to each patient’s unique needs and may involve the use of therapeutic lenses, prisms, filters, and computerized visual activities. The goal is to train the visual system to correct itself by reinforcing connections between the eyes and the brain, improving eye coordination, focusing, and processing visual information.

Who Can Benefit From Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy benefits individuals of all ages who suffer from a range of issues. This includes people with binocular vision problems (such as convergence insufficiency), strabismus (misalignment of the eyes), amblyopia (“lazy eye”), and visual-perceptual disorders. It’s also effective for eye strain or discomfort from prolonged computer use, known as computer vision syndrome.

To learn whether you are a good candidate for vision therapy, contact your Falls Church, VA optometrist. We offer consultation appointments in addition to eye exams and help with prescriptions.

Understanding Macular Degeneration

As you age, it’s important to be aware of macular degeneration. Macular degeneration most typically affects older folks, although there are rare instances when younger people are impacted. The most common kind is called age-related macular degeneration since it occurs in older adults. Understanding this condition is crucial for early detection and management of macular degeneration in Falls Church, VA.

Two Types of Age-related Macular Degeneration

The macula is a small but crucial part of the retina, which is the light-sensitive layer of tissue located at the back of the inner eye. It’s primarily responsible for central vision and color perception. Changes in these two areas of vision are often symptoms of the onset of age-related macular degeneration, or AMD.

The two types of AMD are wet and dry:

Dry Macular Degeneration – This form is more common and occurs when the macula thins over time, gradually blurring central vision. It’s characterized by the presence of drusen, which are tiny yellow deposits under the retina.

Wet Macular Degeneration – Less common but more severe, this type happens when abnormal blood vessels grow under the retina and leak fluid or blood, damaging the macula.

Why Does AMD Occur?

There are many reasons why AMD occurs. One is that it is simply a part of the aging process. Like other body parts, the macula ages, as well. A natural deterioration occurs, which is why this condition mainly affects older persons.

Another reason has to do with genetics. If you have a family member with AMD, your risk is higher and you’ll also develop the condition.

If you want to learn how to prevent AMD, you should be aware of lifestyle factors. Excess alcohol consumption, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor nutrition all increase your risk for AMD.

When you visit your optometrist in Falls Church, VA, we will check for signs of AMD. Contact us today for your next eye exam appointment.

What to Know About Cataract Surgery

If youroptometrist in Falls Church, VA, has told you that you need cataract surgery, you probably have many questions. At Nova Vision Center, we believe that our patients should be as informed as possible about their vision health. Here is a rundown of what you should know about cataract surgery.

What Are Cataracts?

Cataracts aren’t one thing. They describe a condition where the lens of the eye becomes cloudy. This cloudiness is brought on by a clumping together of protein deposits. Cataracts usually develop slowly over a period of years. As the protein deposits grow in number, vision becomes more and more cloudy.

When Should a Person Have Cataract Surgery?

You may live with cataracts for a certain length of time. But you’ll need cataract surgery to restore normal vision when they become problematic. If you find that cloudiness impacts your daily activities, such as driving, cooking, or working, it’s time for surgery.

Does Cataract Surgery Improve Eyesight?

Cataract surgery won’t improve your vision beyond what it was prior to developing cataracts. If you were nearsighted or farsighted before, you’d still be one or the other. Cataract surgery simply clears vision; it doesn’t improve eyesight.

What is the Cataract Surgery Procedure?

One of the misconceptions about cataract surgery is that a cataract is removed. This isn’t the case. In reality, the eye’s lens is replaced with an artificial lens. While this may sound quite surprising, it’s worth noting that cataract surgery has been done millions of times worldwide. It’s considered a safe practice with little to no related problems.

Recovery From Cataract Surgery

Recovery from cataract surgery is typically quick. Most people notice an improvement in their vision within a few days. Complete healing often occurs within several weeks.

Now that you know more about cataract surgery, you’re ready to book yourcataract surgery in Falls Church, VA. We look forward to helping you see clearly once again!

Diagnosis and Treatment of Dry Eye

Dry eye disease is a disorder that affects roughly 20 million Americans, says theAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology. Also called dysfunctional tear syndrome, this itchy, irritating condition is caused by inadequate lubrication of the sensitive tissues that cover the eye. Either, your body is not producing enough tears, or the tears are not remaining on the surface of the eye long enough to lubricate it. Fortunately, youreye doctor in Falls Church, VA, has solutions.

How Is Dry Eye Diagnosed?

Your vision specialist may discover dry eye disease during your routine eye exam. If so, they may perform several additional tests to find out why your eyes are drier than normal. This may mean examining the volume of tears your body is producing or testing the quality of tears produced. They may use special, staining eye drops to find patterns on your corneas or examine the composition of your tears to help them better understand what’s happening.

Once you have a diagnosis of dry eye disease, your eye doctor can recommend a simple course of treatment. Usually, this condition is not difficult or invasive to treat.

Treatment Options for Dry Eyes

Prescription or over-the-counter eyedrops may be required to lessen dry eye symptoms. Or, your specialist may prescribe oral medications that stimulate tear production or reduce inflammation in the eyes. Tiny plugs inserted into your tear ducts may help keep tears from draining away too quickly. Tiny inserts that you place in your eyes daily may also be effective. They dissolve beneath the eyelid, acting as a type of artificial tear.

For more help withdry eye disease in Falls Church, VA, call Nova Vision Center to schedule an appointment. Our experienced professionals are happy to sit down with you to discuss treatment options for dry eyes.

What Happens During a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

Have you ever wondered what a comprehensive eye exam is? Youreye doctor in Falls Church, VA, has probably recommended you have one. But what is it, and what does it entail?

Let’s take a look.

What Happens During a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

Acomprehensive eye exam in Falls Church, VA, is a several-step process. Here is how the process goes.

Step One: Consultation

Your eye doctor will talk with you about your medical history and visual health. They will also ask you about your lifestyle and any concerns you might have. Your eye doctor will use this information to personalize your comprehensive eye exam to best suit your needs.

Step Two: Evaluate Your Visual Health

The eye doctor will then need to test your visual acuity. This will involve having you read an eye chart. Doing so will help determine how well you can see at various distances. Once this is done, they will do a refraction test. This helps the doctor see if you have any refractive issues. The refractive test will show if you have nearsightedness, farsightedness, or an astigmatism.

Step Three: Intraocular Pressure Checks

This step involves using some advanced technology to examine the internal structures of your eyes. The pressure check will help your doctor see if there are any signs of disease present. For example, glaucoma, cataracts, or macular degeneration.

Step Four: Eye Doctor Recommendations

Your eye doctor will then discuss the findings of your comprehensive dental exam with you. At this point, the doctor will address any concerns they might have and make recommendations for maintaining or improving your vision.

Do You Need an Eye Doctor in Falls Church, VA?

If you need an eye doctor in Falls Church, VA, pleaseContact Nova Vision Center. Don’t take the health of your eyes for granted. Take the first step in maintaining good vision and schedule an appointment today. Your eyesight is irreplaceable, so don’t delay.

Symptoms of Macular Degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a very common condition in America. It occurs when the macula, located in the center of your retina, becomes damaged. Because the macula is responsible for helping you see clear details, such as facial features, macular degeneration can greatly impact your quality of life. Keeping regular appointments with youreye doctor in Falls Church, VA, can lead to early diagnosis and better outcomes for patients who have age-related macular degeneration.

Early Warning Signs of Macular Degeneration

Symptoms of age-related macular degeneration include:

  • Straight lines that appear wavy
  • Blurred vision
  • Dark or empty spots in vision
  • Problems recognizing familiar faces
  • Difficulty with central vision

Unfortunately, symptoms such as these can greatly impact your quality of life. Left untreated, AMD can lead to severe vision loss. But before you lose your vision, you may lose other abilities, such as your ability to drive or read. This is why it’s so important to keep appointments with your vision specialist, especially as you age. Early diagnosis of AMD can help you protect the vision you have and may prevent your vision from worsening.

What Can Be Done? 

Your eye doctor has interventions that can lessen the damage of AMD. Injections or laser therapy may be helpful. Low-vision devices, such as magnifying lenses, may also be beneficial. While there’s no current cure for age-related macular degeneration, seeking early diagnosis and treatment may preserve the vision you have. It will also help you learn to manage your condition so that it has less negative impact on your daily routine.

Help for AMD in Fall Church, VA

If you need help with symptoms ofAMD in Falls Church, VA, call Nova Vision Center today. Our experienced professionals will be happy to perform a routine eye exam to find out what’s happening with your vision.

When Should I Have a Diabetic Eye Exam?

Diabetes is a condition that affects many areas of the body, including the eyes. The tissues and blood vessels in the eyes are very delicate and can be easily damaged by diabetes. When this happens, it’s called diabetic retinopathy. Youreye doctor in Falls Church, VA, offers special diabetic eye exams to patients who need them. The question is, when should you have a diabetic eye exam, and how often?

When to Have a Diabetic Eye Exam

If you have diabetes, the American Diabetes Association says that you should have an annual diabetic eye exam no later than five years after being diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. If you have Type 2 Diabetes, you should have your first diabetic eye exam as soon as possible after diagnosis.

However, these are general guidelines. There are two other things to consider. One is the sooner diabetic retinopathy is detected by your eye doctor, the sooner it can be managed, and more of your vision could be saved. The other is that if you experience any symptoms of deteriorating eye health from diabetes, you should see your eye doctor immediately, no matter when you were diagnosed or even if you’ve yet to be diagnosed.

Symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy

  • Pressure or pain in the eye
  • Seeing flashing lights or “sparkles”
  • Dark spots or missing patches in your field of vision
  • Increase in number of floaters (moving spots or lines)
  • Seeing red streaks in your field of vision
  • Sudden worsening of night vision
  • Sudden double vision
  • Sudden blurred vision

All of these could be signs of diabetic retinopathy, and indicate that you should have a diabetic eye exam as soon as possible.

To schedule yourdiabetic eye exam in Falls Church, VA, contact our office today to book your appointment. The sooner that diabetic retinopathy is detected, the better outcome for your eyesight.