Why Do You Have More Issues with Dry Eyes in the Winter?

Have you felt the need to seek dry eye treatment in Falls Church, VA, more since the temperatures have turned cooler? The idea that your dry eyes are getting worse with cooler temperatures is highly plausible. Dry eyes are a common issue that many people experience, and it can be exacerbated during the winter months for several reasons. Take a look at why dry eye symptoms can get worse in the winter.

1. Cold temperature and wind exposure

Exposure to cold air and winds, especially during outdoor activities, can contribute to dry eye symptoms. Windy conditions accelerate tear evaporation, and the cold air can cause the eyes to produce fewer tears. The lower tear availability can lead to eye discomfort and dryness, but some of this can be negated by protecting your eyes with a good pair of sunglasses.

2. Lower humidity levels

Winter air tends to be drier, and heating systems further reduce indoor humidity. Low humidity levels can result in increased tear evaporation and contribute to the development or exacerbation of dry eye symptoms. Sometimes, running a humidifier may help to improve the indoor humidity levels inside your home, but outdoors, the only option is to protect your eyes and spend as little time in the cold as possible.

3. Spending more time indoors

During the colder season, people tend to spend more time indoors with heating systems running. Indoor heating can create a dry environment, which leads to increased evaporation of tears. However, indoor air contaminants can also be to blame for heightened symptoms. For instance, if you live with an indoor smoker or pet, the allergens in the air can be high.

Reach Out to a Falls Church Eye Doctor for Advice

To address and manage dry eyes effectively, it’s crucial to seek advice from an eye care professional. If you’re experiencing persistent discomfort or worsening symptoms, reaching out to an experienced Falls Church eye doctor at Nova Vision Center can provide personalized insights and recommendations for dry eye treatment.

What Happens After a Glaucoma Diagnosis?  

Receiving a diagnosis of glaucoma can feel scary, leaving you unnerved and wondering what comes next. The good thing about having glaucoma diagnosed is that treatment can begin immediately, potentially saving your eyesight. Here’s what happens after a glaucoma diagnosis.


Our optometrists in Bailey’s Crossroads, VA, don’t make any assumptions about our patients. After a glaucoma diagnosis, we thoroughly explain what the diagnosis means, what stage it is in, and what to expect in terms of vision health and treatment options.

Treatment Plan

A personalized treatment plan will be created to address your individual circumstances. The treatment plan will be based on the exact diagnosis, including the stage of advancement of the glaucoma. Treatment may include prescription medication, drops, and/or surgery.

Treatment Management

Throughout treatment, you and your optometrist will work together to monitor progress, manage treatment, and assess the glaucoma condition as it responds to treatment. Patient participation is integral to a positive outcome, and we welcome patient feedback, questions, and comments.

Follow-up Visits

Continuing with your regular and special follow-up visits is essential. In this way, your condition can be monitored over time. Managing glaucoma can save your eyesight, so these visits are important and necessary.

Lifestyle Changes and Disease Management

Lifestyle factors such as smoking and health conditions such as diabetes can influence the development of glaucoma, so certain modifications may be needed to ensure your healthy eyesight. Your eye doctor will review a list of factors with you so that you can make any needed changes at home.

At Nova Vision Center Bailey’s Crossroads, VA, we not only test and diagnose glaucoma in Bailey’s Crossroads, VA, but we also offer follow-up treatment for our new and existing patients. Contact us today to book your appointment.