Why Do Contact Lens Exams Cost More?

It’s not always easy to make regular appointments with the doctor, especially if you’re watching your pennies. So it may seem annoying or even infuriating that eye exams are priced differently depending on whether you’re looking for glasses orcontacts in Fall Church, VA. Whether you’re just curious or you’re debating putting off an exam, we’ll look at why this is and why it’s so important to have a checkup every year.

Extra Tests 

The main reason that a contact lens exam costs more is that it’s more work on the part of aneye doctor in Falls Church, VA, and their staff. They’ll need to map out your cornea to ensure that the lenses will fit. They may also spend more time performing slit lamp tests because the contact lenses will sit directly on the cornea. While slit lamp tests are performed during standard exams for eyeglasses, there isn’t as much need to determine the precise curvature of the cornea.

Contact Lens Fittings in Falls Church, VA

Once the doctor has discussed all of your options with you, they’ll need to place the contact lenses in your eye and then determine your visual acuity once they’re in. There is no single ‘best’ brand of contact lenses, as every patient’s eyes are different. If you’re looking for the right contact lenses for you, it’s important to visit an eye doctor in Falls Church, VA, who can tell you more about how your eyes are likely to respond to them.

Contact lens exams are more precise than eyeglass exams, which is why they cost a little more. However, because your eyes can change at any time, it’s important to get them done every year. If you’re ready to take action, contact Nora Vision Center today to make an appointment today.

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