Understanding Glaucoma

Do you often wonder why youreye doctor in Falls Church, VA, is so insistent about giving you a glaucoma test? It may seem like they offer something unnecessary, especially if your eyesight is fine. The reason your eye doctor takes this test so seriously—and why you should, too—is because glaucoma can steal your eyesight, making you vision-impaired or even blind for the rest of your life.

Understanding Glaucoma

Glaucoma is an umbrella term for a group of eye conditions. Early detection is essential to prevent the progression of the disease. The longer glaucoma goes without diagnosis and management, the higher the chances that you will lose all or part of your vision.

Glaucoma is associated with a build-up of pressure inside the eye. This is called intraocular pressure, and it damages the optic nerve, which is the nerve that connects the eyes to the brain. The condition is the leading cause of vision loss in persons aged 60 and older. Thankfully, with diagnosis and treatment, eyesight can be saved.

Two Types of Glaucoma

There are two main types of glaucoma: open-angle glaucoma and closed-angle glaucoma. With open-angle glaucoma, the build-up in intraocular pressure is caused by an inability of the eye to drain properly. Open-angle glaucoma develops slowly over a period of years.

With closed-angle glaucoma, an enlarged iris is very close to the drainage angle in the eye, blocking it and causing a sudden rise in pressure. It’s less common and can result in a medical emergency.

A glaucoma test only takes seconds, yet it can save your eyesight. Isn’t it worth it to undergo this simpleglaucoma test in Falls Church, VA? Contact us today to book your next eye exam at Nova Vision Center.

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